I am a drummer and singer and have been playing gigs in Pioneer Square for 20 years. I have seen this old neighborhood go through a lot of changes, but it's still my favorite place in Seattle! Originally from Baltimore, but I pride myself on my ability to recommend food/bars/music/tailors/museums like a local.
I love being a tour guide because it allows me to indulge in two of my favorite hobbies: researching history and talking really loudly to strangers on the street.
When I'm not playing drums in a jazz or rockabilly band, I like to cook gourmet meals for my lovely wife and our four cats. I have travelled the world playing music and have been to every continent except Australia (so far).
If I could travel through time, I'd go to Chicago in 1922 to see my hero Louis Armstrong premier with King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band at the Royal Gardens. Now THAT would be a party!